Welcome to the Puget Sound Amateur Wine and Beermakers Club
The objectives of the Puget Sound Amateur Wine and Beer makers Club are to foster a general interest in wines and beers and to give club members a means of exchanging information on wine making and beer making methods, materials and equipment. Meetings are held on “even” months (Feb, April, etc) on the first Friday evening. We have other activities during most “odd” months. Meetings start off with a social period where members share their wine and beer in conversation followed by a great potluck and then there is a short business meeting, technical seminar/discussion, and/or a guest speaker. We end the meeting with a raffle of items brought and donated by members. There are about 50 club members and a typical monthly meeting has 30 attendees.
Our General Club Meetings are held the 1st Friday of each even month (Feb, April, etc) at the Federal Way Senior Center, 4016 So. 352nd Street, Auburn, WA 98001 (except July). During the other/odd months we typically have events at other facilities or members’ homes. You can email us at PSAWBC@yahoo.com or watch here for details.
Our General Meeting is a potluck where each member or couple brings an appetizer, a main dish, side dish, casserole, salad, or dessert to share. Members also bring their own table setting of plates, flatware and wine glasses.
We will not be having a regular meeting in March. We will be having the Beer In-House Competition on Saturday March 8th. The beer being judged this year is Vienna Lager. Judging will start around 3 pm. Address: 10017 251st St E, Graham. We will have a potluck to follow – likely around 4:30 or 5. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring something to share. Eric and Serena will make corned beef and cabbage.
Our next meeting will be Friday April 4th at the Federal Way Senior Center starting at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us.
In addition to monthly meetings, club members may choose to participate in many events and benefits of membership:
– Annual summer picnic in July
– Annual In House Wine & Beer Competition, including access to group grape purchase
– Being an integral part of the Washington State Fair competition and club booth
– Winery tours.
– Educational events “Taste To Learn”
– Free use of club owned equipment, including crusher, press, and filter